▶️ 2 Hour Mix of New Smooth Jazz of May 13, 2023
Time to sit back, relax and enjoy tons of new Smooth Jazz music from all around the world. Just look at the tracklist below.
Tracklisting ⤵️:
00:00 - Intro | Sponsored by https://www.NinjaGram.app | https://www.NinjaTok.com
01:43 - Jeffery Smith - Happy (@jefferysmithmusic)
05:50 - Jack Sax Davies - Midnight Magic (@jacksaxdaviesofficial)
09:13 - Freddie Fox - Well Alright (@foxfreddie)
12:52 - Groove Frequencies - In The Summer Rain (@groovefrequencies)
16:18 - R.L. Walker - Black Sand Beaches (@rlwalkermusic)
20:58 - Yishka - Groovy Reggae Sax (@yishka100)
23:45 - Michael Lington ft. David Mann - Moon Goddess (@lingtonsax)
27:35 - Gino Rosaria - Take It Uptown (@Gino Rosaria)
31:41 - Masahiro Ogura - Plans For Action
35:52 - Bryan C Easter - Revolving Door (@bryanceaster)
39:45 - David Garfield - Freddie Freeloader (@david.garfield)
44:17 - Floss Doll - Business Lounge (@fossdoll_official)
48:10 - 2smooth - Double Deuce (@happyguitarhaynes @rodtatejazz)
52:33 - Antonio Jackson - Ignition (@antoniojazzsax)
56:37 - Ilya Gordienko - Dreamy Sunshine Lounge (@ilya.gordie)
59:59 - Adam Hawley ft. Julian Vaughn - Right On, Right On (@adamhawleymusic @julianvaughnmusic)
01:03:40 - Charles Langford - For Ellyse (@charleslangfordmusic)
01:07:57 - Hubert Eaves IV - Let's Get Serious (@huberteavesiv)
01:11:52 - Jarez - Everything You Do (@jazzyjarez)
01:15:21 - Marcia Miget - Paradise (@marciamiget)
01:18:57 - Nathan T. Duncan - As Soon as We've Begun (@88glide)
01:23:45 - Tarik Clark - Come On (@tarikclarkmusic)
01:27:34 - Kevin Jackson ft. Greg Manning - KJ's Vybe (@musicbykevinjackson @gregmanningofficial)
01:31:42 - Brien Andrews ft. Jermaine Morgan, Donald Hayes & Carnell Harrell - Atmosphere (@brienandrews @jmorganbass @dhayessax @c_note01)
01:35:40 - Dean Mongerio - Get It Done (@deanmongerio)
01:39:12 - Bryan Reed - Get Ready
01:43:02 - David P. Stevens - Get In Step (@davidpstevens)
01:46:50 - Jay Rowe - Midnight Dance (@jayrowemusic)
01:50:47 - Greg Manning ft. Julian Vaughn - The One (@gregmanningofficial @julianvaughnmusic)
01:55:10 - Jeff Ryan - How I Feel With You (@jeffryansax)
01:59:15 - Michael Paulo - Hang Time (@michaelpaulo_)
02:02:57 - Tommy Proulx - Through The Fire (@tommyonsax)
Please know all sales are final and the support of Jazz Discover is so appreciated as a lot of time is spent creating the content on this Smooth Jazz platform. Lastly be sure to support each artist and pay for their current and older music.
Check more about this mix at our the Jazz Discover website: https://wp.me/pa8z9w-8N
You'll get the full mp3 of this 2 hour mix. Play it in the car, on your ipod, mp3 player or on your computer.